Sleep apps

Sleep apps

  • Nearly everyone has difficulty getting to sleep from time to time, but for some people this can be a regular and ongoing problem. 
  • There are a variety of mobile apps available for use on your smartphone or tablet that can be helpful if you have sleep problems.
  • Some apps enable you to track your sleep habits (similar to a sleep diary) and help you develop good sleep routines, while others try to assist you to fall asleep by using calming visual graphics and relaxing music.
  • CBT-based apps can help you understand and change the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are contributing to insomnia.
  • Find out more about sleep apps.
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There are a variety of apps to help you with sleeping problems. Sleep problems can include insomnia, sleep apnoea, parasomnias and adjusting to shift work. 

  • Some apps use cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which can help you understand and change the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are contributing to insomnia.
  • Some apps are mainly sleep tracking apps that help you to better understand your sleep patterns. Some can measure your body movements to track whether you are asleep, awake or restless in your sleep. Other tracking apps are a diary function where you can record lifestyle activities related to sleep.   
  • Some apps are audio sleep aids that play a constant sound (white noise) that helps to block out other disturbances.
  • Snoring apps are aimed at people who snore. Most of the apps record your snoring while you sleep so you become aware of the extent of the problem. Some apps, such as SnoreGym, have exercises to help you exercise and tone parts of your upper airway.

Here are a few sleep apps reviewed by Healthify

Apps that teach CBT techniques

Managing Insomnia


Clinical review
4 star review

CBT-i Coach

CBT-i coach app icon

Clinical review

5 star review


5 star review


See more CBT apps

Sleep tracking apps  

Insomnia Coach


Clinical review

5 star review

Sleep as Android

Clinical review

Free version

2 star review

Paid version

3 star review

Audio sleep aid apps   


Pzizz app icon

Clinical review

Free version

1 star review

Paid version

3 star review



For more relaxation apps, see meditation and mindfulness apps.  


Snore apps  



Clinical review

5 star review

Snore Lab

Snore lab app icon

Clinical review

4 star review


Disclaimer: Healthify’s app library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.


  1. Koffel E, Kuhn E, Petsoulis N, et al. A randomized controlled pilot study of CBT-I Coach: Feasibility, acceptability, and potential impact of a mobile phone application for patients in cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.(external link) Health Informatics J. 2016 Jun 27.
  2. Kuhn E, Weiss BJ, Taylor KL, et al. CBT-I Coach – a description and clinician perceptions of a mobile app for cognitive hehavioral therapy for insomnia.(external link) J Clin Sleep Med. 2016;12(4):597-606.
  3. Camacho M, Robertson M, Abdullatif J, et al. Smartphone apps for snoring(external link) J Laryngol Otol. 2015;129(10):974-9.
  4. Ko PR, Kientz JA, Choe EK, et al. Consumer sleep technologies – a review of the landscape.(external link) J Clin Sleep Med. 2015;11(12):1455-61.
  5. Sands SA, Owens RL. Does my bed partner have OSA? There's an app for that!(external link) J Clin Sleep Med. 2014;10(1):79-80.
App developer: If you are the developer and would like to provide updated information about this app, please email the app library manager at

Disclaimer: Healthify’s app library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.